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Kids Days Out In Scarborough

About Scarborough - Possibly Britain’s first seaside holiday destination, Scarborough has been welcoming visitors for nearly 400 years. Scarborough has two unique distinctions: the renowned Stephen Joseph Theatre hosts all the world premieres of Sir Alan Ayckbourn’s plays, and the ground-breaking National Student Drama Festival is staged in the town every year.

Shopping - The Brunswick Shopping Centre, Scarborough’s indoor shopping centre, opened its doors more than 10 years ago and has since gone from strength to strength. The town also boasts an indoor market, and beside the shops in the main Market Hall there are many tucked away underneath.

Things to do and days out - The town can be divided into north and south bays, with the castle ruins on the headland separating the two. South Bay is lively and lined with countless amusement arcades, fish and chip restaurants, crab and whelk stalls and gift stores. Visit the Harbour Bar, an ice cream parlour with a warm welcome, and there is ten-pin bowling at Olympia a little further along. Why not go for a trip on the Coronia or Regal Lady, pleasure cruisers which will take you on a tour of the local coastline.